Thursday, September 1, 2011

Care about your hair ????  ;)

       Well... My hair got problem before... When I entered university life, I started to realize that  my hair loss became even more serious.. Thought of getting *bald* very soon  if I didn't do something.. Sounds scary isn't it? hahaha.. But I meant it.. I tried several types of shampoos and ended up nothing.. I did try Panteen, Dove, Rejoice etc.. all types of common shampoo.. Only to find out that it didn't work at all ~ Sadies.. hahaaa.. 

      Then.. I went through some readings and found out that most probably (still not too sure)  hair loss occurred due to stress and shampoo with many chemicals.. hohoho. Well, I changed and tried natural shampoo brand *Franch*.. It's perfect.. solved my hair problem.. emm. But  I was quite surprised;  it's only available in USM pharmacy.. yeap,  I went to several markets/shops before but cannot find one.. have to buy in bundles and berjimat pakai ... hehe


     Now.. Planned to apply hair serum to protect and ensure my hair always shines :)

                                                                       You can try it :)

Better now or never :)


  1. marce, i dun think so u cant find dis at any local sbb brand tu sgt familiar d mata saya! =P

    P/S lama sa mncari blog ko. terlupa link.haha last2 sa terjumpa blog adek ko ka tu ka abang?? yg nama mcgayvear?? gtula lbh kurang then terjumpa link ko..haha

  2. Hahahahaa.. betul step. cuba ko g guardian & watson.. nda jmpa ni.. surprisingly.. hahaha..

    Maegyvear tu adik sy.. just next two years after sya lahir d muka bumi ni.. ada jodoh di sana kan... nsib la t'jmpa link sa..hehe
    nda gia famous ni blog sa.. lama suda nda kena update... nnti la.. sa kasi update :)

  3. sy pki TREsemme ni skg (for a few years now). hehe. not bad, actually. :)
